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SF Trish 1 (Petunia)








Registration ID:

Bred by:

Owned by:

linear appraisal:

AKPR 11477

Adam Alexander - Sovereign Farmstead - Osceola, IA

Renae Beebout - Triple Arrow Farm - Columbia, IA

 Sire Pedigree

2 - Pig No Picture

Sire: VAK BH Tutaki 2 AKKPS 1288

Grand sire: GMF BH Tutaki 4 AKBA 0991, AKKPS 0016
Great grand sire: Barton Hill Tutaki 81 AKBA 0592, BKKPS 5993
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:
Great grand dam: Barton Hill Trish Xiii AKBA 0595, BKKPS 5993
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:

Grand dam: GS Wilsons Gina 8 AKBA 0927
Great grand sire: USA Tonganui 3 AKBA 0188
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:
Great grand dam: USA Wilsons Gina 4 AKBA 0252
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:

Dam Pedigree

2 - Pig No Picture

Dam: VAK Trish 5 AKKP 1553

Grand sire: OHMY Mahia Love 1 AKBA 1242, AKKPS 0320
Great grand sire: USA Mahia Love 3 AKBA 0405
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:
Great grand dam: BVF Wilsons GIna 2 AKBA 0440
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:

Grand dam: GMF Trish 4 AKPR 8424, AKKPS 0149
Great grand sire: GFM Andrew # AKBA 0212
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:
Great grand dam: Barton Hill Trish XIV AKBA 0596, BKKPS 5994
Great great grand sire:
Great great grand dam:

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